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2024 Goals

  1. Start and maintain 100 Evangelist Fellowships (currently we have 33) representing 1,000 evangelists, pastors and zealous believers as they share the Gospel within their area of influence.

  2. Break into other cultural spheres in Myanmar such as business, youth, athletics and art with the message of the Gospel and begin Evangelist Fellowships within those cultural settings.
  3. ​Grow the evangelist fellowships to 100,000 evangelists doing the work of an evangelist in Myanmar.

  4. See Myanmar become a Christian nation (currently 90% Buddhist).


NC State University

  1. Organize evangelism seminars with the campus ministries to train 100+ students at a time on how to do personal evangelism.

  2. Encourage the 39 campus ministries to cooperate in evangelistic events and outreaches.

  3. Engage 50 Christian students in one-on-one witnessing each week during Witness Wednesdays.

  4. Awaken and gather 25 student evanglists to fulfill their calling in God.

  5. Make inroads into the 6,000 foreign students who are primarily from India. Conversations already started!

Personal Evanglism

  1. Talk to 3-5 people each day about the Savior who died for them.

  2. Lead someone to Christ once a week.

  3. Awaken believers to the need for daily one-on-one evangelism within their spheres of influence.

  4. Help churches and pastors identify and equip evangelists in their church.

"And He gave some as...evangelists"

Ephesians 4:11


PO Box 91391

Raleigh, NC  27675


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© 2024 by International Evangelists' Fellowship

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